The Greeting: In celebration of Thanksgiving, everyone shared the "Gobble Gobble Greeting" by placing their hand under their chin and waving to their neighbor.
First demonstrated by the Kindergarten teachers. |
The kids loved it but the teachers may have had even more fun. |
Gobble gobble! |
Singing their hearts out! |
The Activity: Mrs. Boudreau read aloud Twas The Night Before Thanksgiving to a rapt audience of 400 students.
The book was projected onto a large screen. |
Students sat engrossed by the story and laughed loudly at the silly tale. |
A rousing cha-cha-cha version of Happy Birthday was sang to students with November birthdays!
Finally, a skit was performed by the Green Team. A special appearance was made by Franklin's very own Captain Planet! With the help of the green team, Captain Planet demonstrated how to care for our planet:
- Recycle - a green triangle on packaging indicates that it is recyclable. Rinse all food and drink containers before placing them in the recycling bin.
- Reuse - a better alternative to plastic water bottles is a reusable water bottle.
- Compost - compost your food scraps and remember to remove the plastic stickers from fruit and vegetables first.
Singing about recycling. |
Recycle, reuse and compost! |
Caring for our planet is important! |