Thursday, October 2, 2014

Behind the Scenes: Monthly All School Meeting

Monday morning began with our monthly All School Meeting.  The meeting is modeled after the daily morning meetings that take place in every classroom.  This month’s meeting was led by some very enthusiastic members of the fourth grade class.

The Greeting - the pinky shake! Everyone turned towards their neighbors and extended a greeting...and a pinky.

As this was the first meeting of the school year, several students taught the "All School Signal" to the four hundred students assembled. This signal is to help quiet everyone and to prepare them to be attentive listeners:
  • Hands Up
  • Eyes on Speaker
  • Voices Off
The Share - A skit was preformed about the "Book Diet"

"What's a 'book diet'?"
"It's like a regular diet. What's your favorite food?"
"What if you ate watermelon for breakfast, lunch and dinner?"
"You wouldn't be healthy!"
"You need to try lots of different foods to get vitamins. You need to read lots of genres to be a healthy reader."
"What's a genre?"

Students came up on stage in groups of two, hoisting aloft a poster and announcing their genres: Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Traditional Literature, Poetry, Science Fiction, Auto Biography, Realistic Fiction, Informational Text, Biography and Mystery.

The Activity - led by the fourth grade, the entire school participated in a rousing version of "Boom Chicka Boom" starting with indoor voices, then whispers and finally the underwater version!

Happy Birthday - all students with September birthdays stood up, Ms. Mustachio played the piano and everyone sang a harmonious Cha-Cha-Cha version of "Happy Birthday".

The meeting closed with an update by Ms. Lefever regarding Fantastic Fridays for 5th graders beginning on October 17th.  

Led by the Kindergarten, students and teachers filed back to their classrooms with a sense of energy and community to kick off the day.