Saturday, December 6, 2014

Behind the Scenes: Monthly All School Meeting

This month's All School Meeting was led by the kindergartners!  If you ever need to be reminded of the good in the world, I highly recommend any performance given by five and six year olds.

The Greeting:  In celebration of Thanksgiving, everyone shared the "Gobble Gobble Greeting" by placing their hand under their chin and waving to their neighbor.

First demonstrated by the Kindergarten teachers.

The kids loved it but the teachers may have had even more fun.

Gobble gobble!
The Share: the entire Kindergarten class stood up front and sang "Albuquerque Turkey".  They were incredibly earnest and heart melting!

Singing their hearts out!

The Activity: Mrs. Boudreau read aloud Twas The Night Before Thanksgiving to a rapt audience of 400 students.
The book was projected onto a large screen.

Students sat engrossed by the story and laughed loudly at the silly tale.

A rousing cha-cha-cha version of Happy Birthday was sang to students with November birthdays!

Finally, a skit was performed by the Green Team.  A special appearance was made by Franklin's very own Captain Planet!  With the help of the green team, Captain Planet demonstrated how to care for our planet:
  1. Recycle - a green triangle on packaging indicates that it is recyclable.  Rinse all food and drink containers before placing them in the recycling bin.
  2. Reuse - a better alternative to plastic water bottles is a reusable water bottle.
  3. Compost - compost your food scraps and remember to remove the plastic stickers from fruit and vegetables first.
Singing about recycling.

Recycle, reuse and compost!

Caring for our planet is important!