Wednesday, March 18, 2015

March PTO Meeting Notes

Thanks to everyone who made it out to the PTO meeting on Wednesday night. Here’s a brief recap; please let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you to Sue Membrino, Megan Reilly, and Claudia Rossi for Trivia Night – it was a fun night out.
Thank you to Juliet Harrison for organizing and implementing the Franklin Online Auction!
Thanks to everyone who has been attending the Principal Coffees; they are a great way to learn about what’s going on at Franklin and meet other parents.
There have been some successful CAS programs, most recently for Kindergartners and 1st graders; next up will be Tanglewood Marionettes in early April.
Spring into Swing is happening on April 10; it is a community event to bring awareness to the CAS program. Tickets are available at

March 31: Kindergarten registration, and visiting day is May 5 – if you are veteran Franklin parent who has an incoming student, please consider helping out! Email the PTO Board for more information.
April 14: Multicultural Night, 6PM. There are 18 country booths confirmed already, and the students will also be performing dances and singing.
April 28: NewtonServes
May 12: Staff Appreciation Lunch
Date TBD: Color Day
Check the Franklin School website for updates:

Ed Hauben, Director of Newton Community Ed and Paula Black, Assistant Directory of Student Services of Newton Public Schools (NPS) presented on mindfulness, how teachers are incorporating into their classrooms, and the benefits for everyone: being present, non-judgmental, and staying calm in a world where everyone is so busy and feeling stressed.

FRANKLIN UPDATE from Interim Principal Elaine Harold
PARCC testing will begin next week. It’s new for everyone but should not be a source of stress. Please be sure that your students are well rested, have a good breakfast, and are on time for school.
Later this spring, parents will receive an optional form if they would like to provide information to staff about class placement for next year. Specific teachers can not be requested but it is an opportunity to inform Ms. Harold of any issues of which she may not be aware. Please wait until the form is available to provide this information.
Thanks all!
From the PTO Board